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Our Mission

Topnotch Al-Quran programs in Singapore!

To facilitate the development of a Quranic Generation by delivering the best programmes and providing the best services and resources for Muslims to develop themselves by the way of the Quran & Sunnah in a conducive and comfortable environment.

Our Vision

A Generation of Al-Quran Recitors, Lovers, Readers, Memorizers

Jeelun Qurani : Nurturing A Quranic Generation

Our Story

Dedication and Service

No one knows exactly when Masjid Kampung Siglap was first built. The earliest documented date was etched on a Quranic Frame which was hung behind the mihrab of the old mosque building. It was 27 Ramadan 1320 AH, which was Sunday, 28 December 1902 CE. However, this is certainly not the date Masjid Kampung Siglap was first erected. Oral history from the old Kampung Siglap villagers mentioned that the mosque had been thrice repaired. The Quranic Frame was apparently put up either during the second or third repair work.


It was widely believed that the mosque was collectively built by the village folk. The plot of land where the old mosque was built had been bought by the late Mdm Hajijah, mother of the late Mr Daud Bin M. Shah J.P. also known as Tok Teh Daud. Most of the villagers were  fishermen. They sold their daily catch to raise funds to build the mosque. Much time, effort and money was dedicated towards this laborious project. While men toiled away at their workplaces, women and even young ladies were seen carrying sand from the beach to the mosque’s construction site.

Tranquil ambience away from the hustle and bustle of city life


Upon completion, the well which was once used to supply villagers with their daily water needs, now served as an ablution point. Its clear water never dried even during long dry spells. Tabuh, Kentung and Beduk (large mosque drums) were made by the villagers themselves and were placed in the mosque as a means to call people for obligatory prayers or announcing special occasions like Eidul Fitr or Eidul Adha. During that period, large pots and pans as well as cutlery were made available at the mosque to be utilized by the villagers for any occasion.

The old mosque building was able to accommodate 400 people. Now that the new building has been built alongside, it is currently being preserved and converted to the Tahfiz Al-Quran Centre of Singapore.  The new Masjid Kampung Siglap was officially opened on Sunday, 3rd Rejab 1413 AH /  27 December 1992 CE. It was officiated by the Honourable Mufti of Singapore, Syed Isa Bin Semait.

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