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Image by afiq fatah
Musabaqah Tahfiz
Jeelun Qurani

"Fastabiqul Khairaat..."

MTJQ, since 2015


In an effort to invigorate the culture of memorizing the Al-Quran, Darul Quran Singapore (DQS) felt that the time has come to organize such a Musabaqah in Singapore.


Initially, the musabaqah was organised annually in the month of Ramadan, as the general public understands that the month of Al-Quran is the month of Ramadan. Clearly, in the month of Ramadan, the awareness and worship activities are focused on Al-Quran, be it in tarawih prayer, Tilawah and Talaqqi Al-Quran as well as various other programs organized centered on the holy book.


Hence why, DQS felt that it is appropriate for the Musabaqah be organized annually in the month of Ramadan and involve as many mosques and Al-Quran institutions as possible. As such, the Musabaqah was given name "Musabaqah Jeelun Qurani". The word "Jeelun Qurani" is in conjunction with the vision of DQS & Kampung Siglap Mosque 'To Create a Quranic Generation'.



  • Giving birth to a generation of authoritative and authoritative huffaz.

  • Improve the quality and purity of Al-Quran recitation in terms of tajwid, fluency and letter pronunciation.

  • Giving exposure and raising the spirit of the public to memorize the Al-Quran.

  • Understanding the content of the Al-Quran through the translation and memorization of the holy verses of the Al-Quran.

  • Strengthen friendships and form social networks among teachers, students and the local community.

  • Cultivate the nature of racing in doing good (Istabiqul Khairat) among the participants.

  • Provide a platform for Tahfiz students to strengthen their memorization.

MTJQ is open for all huffaz be it Darul Quran Singapore students or huffaz from other Tahfiz Centers be it locally or in Malaysia, as well as & privately taught local huffaz.

Past Musabaqah
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